A Very Brief Interview with My Seven Year Old Nephew

I was at my brother’s house and I have a very primitive recorder that I have been having problems with so I decided to try to use my phone to record a conversation. I asked my nephew a few questions about his food choices and some other issues to kill the time.

For the record I am almost completely off beef and pork, but I am abstaining more for health reasons than ethical ones (those meats make me feel bloated and they are hard for me to digest.) I have felt better since I gave them up.


The Interview

Do you consider yourself to be a vegetarian?

Well the only meat I eat is chicken and hot dogs. That’s all.


Why don’t you eat most meat?

Because I don’t like want to see most animals die. Most of the time we don’t need to kill animals to eat.


How long have you felt this way?

Since I was five.


Do you ever find that there is not enough of a selection for you to eat when you eat out or go to someone else’s house?



Do you think it is right for animals to eat other animals?

Yes if they do it to survive.


Are your parents ok with your food choices?

Well my dad is a vegetarian. Yes, they feel fine about it.


Many animals are going extinct now. Since you’re so concerned about animals, do you think there’s anything we can do to preserve animal life?

Stop killing animals that we don’t need to eat.


Do you think animals should have rights?

Sort of.


Do you have a favorite kind of animal?

The Komodo dragon because they are big reptiles and most people are afraid of them.


Why do you like dinosaurs so much?

Because they were big and strong and scary.


Do you think the human population is affecting the climate?

Yes by killing animals that we need to survive. Some animals help the earth.